Smart Phones

When you think of the world and how it is today, you really cant go anywhere without using, or seeing a phone of some kind. Why is that? Well to answer that we will need a brief history lesson on how phones came to be, and how they got to the point that they are at now. Robert Hooke, the guy that started it all. Robert created the first acoustic telephone in 1672. The acoustic telephone was very similar to two cups with wire between them. Very similar to something you might have made as a kid. This was the spark that started the fire that is modern telephones. This idea would be turned up a notch 166 years later, in 1838, Samuel B. Morse discovered what we now know as mores code. A series of dots and dashes that could be used to make out letters and then turned into words and sentences. This would be used for many things, but more specifically it would be used by the military to send secret messages to allies during the war time. 
Jumping forward in time to a huge leap in technology, in 1962 the communications satellite act is passed. This act allowed for the use of satellites in telecommunication. The reason this is important is because up to this point, all things like the radio and phones of the time were extremely limited in how effective of a range they had. This paved way for companies to create phones for the individual rather than for just big corporations and the military. In 1983 Motorola released the DynaTac mobile. The problem was that is wasn't very mobile, it was nick named "The Brick" due to its size and weight. Fortunately, Motorola wasn't the only phone company in the game. Because of this, their competitors would continue to make advances in the technology and would continue to make the phones smaller and smaller. Things like the touch screen and texting came out. But one company decided to "think different," and in 2008 Steve Jobs the founder and CEO of apple announced the iPhone. This was the game changer. I believe that humans have an addiction to communication and an addiction for knowledge. Phone companies today are simply making it a lot easier and faster to get those things.

“The History of the Telephone.” Elisha Gray and The Telephone,


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